What are some possible factors that may affect a person's credit score?
F1. demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions
F1.1 identify and compare exchange rates, and convert foreign currencies to Canadian dollars and vice versa
F1.2 identify and describe various reliable sources of information that can help with planning for and reaching a financial goal
F1.3 create, track, and adjust sample budgets designed to meet longer-term financial goals for various scenarios
F1.4 identify various societal and personal factors that may influence financial decision making, and describe the effects that each might have
F1.5 explain how interest rates can impact savings, investments, and the cost of borrowing to pay for goods and services over time
F1.6 compare interest rates and fees for different accounts and loans offered by various financial institutions, and determine the best option for different scenarios
F1.1 describe some advantages and disadvantages of various methods of payment that can be used when dealing with multiple currencies and exchange rates
F1.2 create a financial plan to reach a long-term financial goal, accounting for income, expenses, and tax implications
F1.3 identify different ways to maintain a balanced budget, and use appropriate tools to track all income and spending, for several different scenarios
F1.4 determine the growth of simple and compound interest at various rates using digital tools, and explain the impact interest has on long-term financial planning
F1.5 compare various ways for consumers to get more value for their money when spending, including taking advantage of sales and customer loyalty and incentive programs, and determine the best choice for different scenarios
F1.6 compare interest rates, annual fees, and rewards and other incentives offered by various credit card companies and consumer contracts to determine the best value and the best choice for different scenarios
Grade 7
Exchange Rates and Foreign Currencies: Money for Travel
Join Teacher Kristina who explores foreign currencies and exchange rates. Research different currencies and learn to convert and compare international currencies with the Canadian dollar.
Factors that Influence Financial Decision-Making
Join Teacher Kristina as she explains how to reflect on factors that influence spending and help us make more informed decisions when it comes to spending money. Discover how identifying these factors and recognizing how they can affect financial well-being.
Getting Advice about Reaching Financial Goals
Discover how to reach financial goals and make informed decisions as Teacher Kristina explains how to use reliable sources of information while planning. Explore how to effectively manage finances and set attainable goals.
Grade 7 Financial Literacy Learning Activities
Grade 8
How to be a Critical Consumer
Discover how to compare a variety of ways to get more value for your money when spending. Teacher Kristina explores the pros and cons of promotional offers and shows how to take advantage of loyalty and incentive programs