Solutions Page – Teacher Resource – Algebraic Expressions and Coding

Representing Algebraic Expressions with Tables of Values in Python

Practice! Alter the code to create the output shown.

1 –

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2 –

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3 –

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4 –

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5 – (nonlinear)

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Incorporating Constants

Practice! Alter the code to create the output shown:

1 –

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2 –

Solution –

Writing Expressions for Real-Life Applications

Practice! Write code that will output a table of values to represent the following scenarios.

1 – Hanaa gets reimbursed $0.45 for her kilometers when she volunteers to deliver meals to the community. Write code that will generate a chart to show the amount she will be paid up to and including 100 km.

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2 – Immaculate gets paid a flat rate of $10 and $0.30 per flyer she delivers in her neighbourhood. Write code that will generate a chart to show the amount she will be paid up to 50 flyers.

3 – A vehicle has a purchase price of $24 500. Each year, its value depreciates an average of $1500. Write code to generate a chart that will show the value of the car in comparison to the number of years owned over the course of 5 years.

Solution –

4 – A backyard pond contains 300 gallons of water. It loses about 5 gallons of water per day due to evaporation. Write code to generate a chart that will show the capacity of the pond in gallons over the course of 7 days.

Solution –

5 – (Exponential Growth) The population of a city at the beginning of 2022 was 10 000 people. It was noticed that the population of the city grows at a steady rate of 5 % annually. Write code to show the projected population size for the next 10 years.

Solution –

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