Which third person narration style do you think would be most effective -- impersonal, omniscient or limited?
1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning
1.1 read a wide variety of increasingly complex or difficult texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts
1.2 identify a variety of purposes for reading and choose increasingly complex or difficult reading materials appropriate for those purposes
1.3 identify a variety of reading comprehension strategies and use them appropriately before, during, and after reading to understand increasingly complex or difficult texts
1.4 demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex and difficult texts by summarizing important ideas and explaining how the details support the main idea
1.5 develop and explain interpretations of increasingly complex or difficult texts using stated and implied ideas from the texts to support their interpretations
1.6 extend understanding of texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and insights, to other texts, and to the world around them
1.7 analyse a variety of texts, including complex or difficult texts, and explain how the various elements in them contribute to meaning and influence the reader’s reaction
1.8 evaluate the effectiveness of a text based on evidence taken from that text
2. recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic elements and demonstrate understanding of how they help communicate meaning
Grade 7
Text-to-Self Connections
Teacher Jessica will share reading strategies that can be used to help strengthen your comprehension of text. Learn and explore how to make deep connections between texts and your personal, lived experiences.
Grade 7 Reading Learning Activities
Grade 8
Predictions and Conclusions
Join Teacher Jessica who demonstrates how to make inferences using fiction and non-fiction texts. You will explore and learn how to expand your thinking using sentence starters to create effective inferencing questions.