Grades 1-8: Science & Technology | Coding
Coding in the Newly Revised Science and Technology Curriculum, Grades 1 to 8
Lisa Anne Floyd shares an overview of the newly revised 1-8 Science and Technology curriculum. This webinar will focus on coding within the new Strand A: STEM Skills and Connections. Cross-strand examples for primary, junior, and intermediate will be provided as she explains the overall and specific coding expectations across the grades.

Lisa Anne loves to share her passion for coding with students and teachers in school districts and educational conferences. She is a PhD Candidate with a focus on math and coding teacher education at Western University, where she also teaches Computational Modelling in Mathematics and Science Education for Intermediate/Senior preservice teachers in the Bachelor of Education program. Lisa Anne has received several teaching and research awards and has published in academic journals, book chapters and blogs. She teaches mathematics in full remote learning in Thames Valley District School Board in London, Ontario, where she has years of experience teaching high school Computer Science, Mathematics, Science and Cooperative Education.